CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2023-24 SET 5

CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2023-24 SET 5


Series DBC5A/5
Question Paper Code 2/5/1 Set 1

(Session 2023-24)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions : Read the instructions very carefully and strictly follw them:
1. This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper contains THREE sections-
    Section - A : Reading Skills
    Section - B : Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
    Section - C : Literature Text Book
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


Read the following passage carefully :

(1) The words probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics may sound like variations of the same thing, but what a difference a prefix makes. The first is a category of health-promoting microbes. The latter two groups are types of beneficial molecules. But all three biotics are critical for supporting the community of microscopic organisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract, known as the gut microbiome. With both beneficial and harmful bacteria living in the human body, these diet-related factors - the biotics - help tip the balance in the positive direction. It is important to understand their differences, as even as they work together.

(2) Despite their importance for the gut microbiome, the health benefits of these biotics , which are present in certain foods or result from their metabolism, extend beyond the digestive tract. A growing body of scientific evidence has linked prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics, with improvements in metabolic diseases - including obesity and cholesterol abnormalities - depressive symptoms and poor sleep quality, among many other conditions.

(3) Besides promoting general gut health, consuming food rich in probiotics can improve irritable bowel syndrome and antibiotic-related diarrhea, prevent traveller's diarrhea, produce vitamins and increase nutrient absorption, and decrease the risk of common infections. In fact, when consumed regularly, probiotics have been found to reduce the occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections (like the common cold).

(4) Many different types of beneficial bacteria are considered probiotics. The most common ones include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, of which there are dozen of strains. "You have to match what it is you're concerned about with the probiotic you should use," says Gregor Reid. Many different types of beneficial bacteria are considered probiotics.

(5) Some foods, such as yogurt, kefir, kimchee, and fermented soybeans and kombucha naturally contain probiotics. But here's where things get complicated: not all fermented foods or yogurts contain probiotics, Reid says. As a consumer, a good starting point is to look for the phrase "contains live and active cultures" on the label; it's even better if specific strains of bacteria are listed, because then you'll know you're getting the right stuff.

(6) Simply put, prebiotics are sources of food for those beneficial microbes - the probiotics. They are typically a form of carbohydrate or fiber that we don't have the enzymes to digest. As a result, they move through the digestive tract to the intestine, where beneficial bacteria (probiotics) can feast on them.

(7) When you consume foods that are rich in probiotics and prebiotics, the microbes in your gut consume the undigestible prebiotic fiber and produce bioactive compounds called postbiotics. They are ultimately the endgame that we want - they affect how our gut operates and keeps the good bacteria there and the bad bacteria out.

Answer the following questions, based on the above passage :
(i) Which of the following  statements best describes the author's  attitude towards probiotics ?
(A) Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics are variations of the same thing, with just a difference of a prefix.
(B) All fermented foods or yogurts naturally contain probiotics.
(C) All three biotics are equally important to support microscopic organisms that live in the gut microbiome.
(D) Only probiotics are important as they can improve irritable bowel syndrome and antibiotic-related diarrhea.
(ii) According to the writer, health benefits of all the 'biotics' extend beyond the digestive tract. Rationalise your response in about
40 words.
(iii) Complete the sentence appropriately.
To get the right probiotic and to match requirement, it is important to see the label for _____.
(iv) The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other.
From the sets (A) - (E) below, identify two sets of antonyms.
(A) increase and decrease
(B) probiotic and postbiotic
(C) beneficial and harmful
(D) feast and fermented
(E) consuming and digestive
(v) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author wants to stress the fact that there is not just one type of beneficial bacteria considered as probiotic, in fact, some probiotics have _____.
(vi) Based on the reading of the passage, examine in about 40 words, the importance of prebiotics for the human gut and how they are related to probiotics.
(vii) As a consumer, if you want to pick a probiotic product, what is the most important thing to keep in mind ?
Pick the best answer.
(A) Any fermented product that contains probiotics.
(B) Checking the label for specific strains of bacteria.
(C) All products under "probiotics" section in a grocery store are safe to pick.
(D) Checking the label which clearly says "probiotics" is sufficient.
(viii) Despite their importance for the gut microbiome, the health benefits of these 'biotics', which are present in certain foods or result from their metabolism, extend beyond the digestive tract."
As per this statement from the passage, how relevant are the biotics for humans ? Pick the best answer.
(A) Their relevance has been proven by scientific evidence.
(B) Not very relevant as more study is needed.
(C) Their relevance cannot be generalised for everyone.
(D) Only probiotics are relevant for humans.

2. Read the following passage carefully :

(1) After more than two years of halted travel, India's toursim and hospitality industry is now cautiously hopeful. Tourism constituted almost 3% of India's GDP and generated around 100 million jobs in 2019. But the sector was severely hit in India - countries - in the past two years.

(2) Indians are now travelling with a vengeance - 'revenge travel', as the phenomenon is called. And many, experts say, now prefer to travel within the country instead of flying to more expensive destinations abroad. The industry is also benefitting from new trends borne of the pandemic such as micro-holidays and workcations.

(3) According to a survey, 51 percent of Indian travellers believed that international travel remained an important means of expanding their horizons and connecting with other cultures. Over two years, the survey said, Indian travellers are now dreaming about their next international trip and more than 70 percent of Indians are excited about being able to travel internationally.

(4) There has also been an increase in the number of students going abroad to study. The increasing desire to study overseas is credited to the pent-up demand from the pandemic's two-year duration. This has got further pronounced because of growing aspirations and affordability among the middle-class students from Tier II and Tier III cities.
The table below shows foreign travel by Indians for different purposes from 2019 to 2022.

Answer the following questions, based on the above passage :
(i) Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraphs 1 and 2.
We can say that the situation when people were travelling with a vengeance is comparable to people going out to dine in hordes, because ______.
(ii) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of paragraph 1.
The statement that, "Tourism constituted almost 3% of India's GDP and generated around 100 million jobs in 2019', is a/an
_______ (fact/opinion) because it is a/an ______ (subjective judgement/objective detail).
(iii) Justify the following in about 40 words.
After being cooped up inside their houses for more than two years, Indians are now excited about being able to travel internationally.
(iv) Based on the given table, for which purpose did Indian foreign travel increase in 2022 as compared to 2019 ?
(v) 'The industry is also benefitting from new trends borne of the pandemic such as micro-holidays and workcations.' Which 'industry' is being talked about here?
(vi) As per the given table, for which purpose did maximum number of Indians undertake foreign travel in 2019 and in 2022 ?
State any one inference that can be drawn from this.
(vii) Why are students today choosing to go abroad to study ? (Answer in about 40 words.)
(viii) Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage ?
(A) International travel remains an important means of expanding the horizons and connecting with other cultures.
(B) Though travel, both domestic and international, has picked up, it has yet to reach its previous levels.
(C) Indians are excited about being able to internationally.
(D) The study needs to include experts from Tourism Department to offer any recommendations for further research.



3. Complete any ten of the following twelve tasks, as directed.
(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the brackets, for the given portion of a letter.
Thank you for exceeding company expectations and ______ (inspire) your team with your spectacular work ethic.
(ii) Read the given sentence from a movie review article.
Identify the error and supply the correction in the sentence.
The movie doesn't let you rest and is packed with engaged action sequences.
Use the given format for your response.
(iii) Akshat and Niharika had a conversation about the felicitation of Akshat's achievements.
Report Niharika's question.
What will you be wearing for tomorrow s function ?
(iv) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the disclaimer given before a documentary film.
The film has been created by taking creative liberties and dramatizing the events _______ (about/for/on) cinematic expressions.
(v) Identify the error and supply the correction for the given sentence from a comment posted by an admirer of a reporter.
The report was well document, so no one could claim that it was just one person's opinion.
Use the given format for your response.
(vi) Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option.
Now that many employees have shown high productivity working from home, will their bosses hereafter ______ them to take working vacations ?
(A) expecting
(B) expected
(C) have expected
(D) expect
(vii) Read the dialogue between Karan and his teacher regarding his absence from school.
Teacher : Karan, why were you absent yesterday ?
Karan : Yesterday I had cold and fever, sir. I couldn't inform you beforehand.
Teacher : That's okay. Take care of your health.
Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue.
The teacher asked Karan _______.
Karan replied that he had cold and fever the previous day and added that he coludn't inform the teacher beforehand. The teacher advised him to take care of his health.
(A) why did he remain absent the previous day
(B) why he had been absent the previous day
(C) the reason he was absent
(D) why was he absent yesterday
(viii) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the opening line, from a Terms and Conditions document.
Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the content on this website, the same could not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes.
(ix) Report the following dialogue between a hawker and his customer, by completing the sentence.
Hawker : Do you want any tomatoes ?
Customer : Yes, indeed! Although they are a bit expensive, I like to add tomatoes to my diet.
The hawker asked the customer whether she wanted any tomatoes. The customer answered in the affirmative and explained that ______.
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the part of the grievance posted by a citizen on a social media platform.
Crossing this stretch at any time of the day is a challenge. Even during afternoons, there ______ ice cream vendors on the road with people crowding around their carts.
(A) were
(B) are
(C) have been
(D) would be
(xi) Complete the line from a Save the Planet song, by filling in the blank with the correct option.
Let's see what we can do
To save the planet for me and you
E is for environment, keep it clean
If we ___________ together, we ll make the best team.
(A) will be standing
(B) stand
(C) had stood
(D) are standing
(xii) Identify the error and supply the correction for the following note in a smart watch's instruction mannual.
When the watch is connected to the mobile phone, the watch may automatically calibrate and synchronize with the time of the mobile phone.
Use the given format for your response.

Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose.

4. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below :
(a) The problem of open manholes and drains in your locality is posing a threat to the lives of people. As a young citizen, who cares about the upkeep of the locality and safety of the residents, write a letter to the editor of a local daily, in about 120 words, expressing your concern at the situation and suggesting measures to resolve the problem and drawing attention of the concerned authorities.
You are Sam/Karen of 67, Mist Apartments, Gagan Vihar, Akash Nagar.
(b) As Rohini Monga / Rohan Monga, of 43 Jai Apartments, Neerbagh, you feel that there should be a dedicated space in the community park for the senior citizens of the society, where they can gather.
Write a letter to the RWA of your society in about 120 words, suggesting spaces in the park and emphasizing the importance of creating such a space.

5. Attempt any one from (a) and (b) given below :
(a) The detailed global millets production data from different countries is depicted in the pie chart given below. Analyze this chart and write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words, by selecting features that support your analysis and suggesting possible reasons for the variation in production by different countries.

For Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 5 (a) :
Raina is to write an analytical paragraph on 'Importance of Tree Plantation'. Using your own ideas and the information given below, write the paragraph in about 120 words.
One of the best activities - make planet - greener, healthier - to develop biodiversity - ensure supply of oxygen for coming generations - add to natural beauty - NGOs can be involved for plantation drive.
(b) There are many benefits of healthy eating for adults as well as children. The following charts reflect the same. Based on the information given in the charts, write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words, assessing the importance of healthy eating for adults as well as children.

For the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 5 (b) :
Based on the given information, write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words, assessing the importance of healthy eating for both adults and children.

SECTION - C (40 Marks)

6. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for any one of the given two, (a) or (b) :
(a) We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.
Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. Let freedom reign. God bless Africa!
(Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom)
(i) State any one inference about Nelson Mandela from the given context :
"We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation."
(ii) State True or False :
When Mandela says, "God bless Africa", he intends to mean well-being and welfare of only black people in South Africa.
(iii) "Nelson Mandela's speech is full of optimism." Elaborate in about 40 words with reference to the extract.
(iv) Which phrase would correctly substitute 'so glorious', in the given sentence from the extract.
"The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement."
(b) The expected call came within a few days. Mrs. Pumphrey was distraught. Tricki would eat nothing. Refused even his favourite dishes; and besides he had bouts of vomiting. He spent all his time anything. lying on a rug, panting. Didn't want to go for walks, didn't want to do anything.
I had made my plans in advance. The only way was to get Tricki out of the house for a period. I suggested that he be hospitalised for about a fortnight to be kept under observation.
(A Triumph of Surgery)
(i) Which of the following is not a reason why Mr. Herriot thinks Tricki needs to be taken out of the house for a period ?
(A) He wanted to keep Tricki away from Mrs. Pumphrey.
(B) He wanted to keep Tricki under observation.
(C) He wanted to do an experiment on Tricki.
(D) He wanted to improve Tricki health.
(ii) What was the main reason for Mrs. Pumphrey to be distraught ? Answer in about 40 words.
(iii) State True or False :
When Mr. Herriots says, "I had made my plans in advance" - what he actually means is, he had already seen this trauma coming for Tricki.
(iv) Which of the following best describes Mrs. Pumphrey ?
(A) unkind and inconsiderate
(B) impractical but compassionate
(C) anxious and ambitious
(D) fearful but confident
7. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for any one of the given two, (a) or (b) :
(a) In a world of possessions. People will take
Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.
He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
The epistemology of loss, how to stand up
Knowing what every man must one day know
And most know many days, how to stand up.
(The Ball Poem)
(i) Fill in the blank with one word.
When the speaker says "People will take balls, Balls will be lost always. little boy", his tone is _____.
(ii) The poet says that money is external. What inference can be drawn from this statement ? Answer in about 40 words.
(iii) Which of the following best describes the speaker's attitute towards material possessions ?
(A) indifferent
(B) emotional
(C) casual
(D) respectful
(iv) Identify the poetic device used in "And no one buys a ball black".
(b) Don't eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I'm speaking to you,
(I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;)
(i) What is the central idea of the poem as reflected in the lines above ? Answer in about 40 words.
(ii) Complete the sentence with the appropriate option.
"Will you please look at me when I'm speaking to you, Amanda!" tells us that the mother's attitute is _____.
(A) loving
(B) relaxed
(C) authoritative
(D) thoughtful
(iii) Identify any one poetic device used in the above extract.
(iv) For what reason does Amanda imagine herself to be Rapunzel ?
8. Answer any four of the following five questions in 40-50 words each :
(i) Maxwell decides to keep an otter as a pet. Elucidate with reference to the fact that owning a pet is a life of commitment.
(Mijbil the Otter)
(ii) "The tale of Custard the Dragon's is a humorous balled. How does Ogden Nash create humour and entertainment in the poem ?
(iii) Justify the title of the play 'The Proposal' with reference to the characters and plot.
(iv) The author says - 'During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide.' Elaborate.
(Glimpses of India)
(v) Do you think you can love a person for his/her inner beauty alone and not care about the physical appearance ?
Justify with reference to the theme of the poem 'For Anne Gregory'.

9. Answer any two of the following three questions in 40-50 words each.
(i) One should never judge a book by its cover. Explain with reference to Ausable and how he outwits Max with his presence of mind.
(The Midnight Visitor)
(ii) "Horace Danby is a thief who was cheated by another thief." Justify.
(A Question of Trust)
(iii) How can one say that Ebright s curiosity / inquisitiveness drove him to become a scientist ?
(The Making of a Scientist)

10.  Answer any one of the following two questions in 100-120 words :
(a) You have been asked to present an evaluation of the approaches of both, the Baby Seagull and the Pilot who was lost in the clouds, towards achieving their dreams of conquering the skies.
Write this presentation draft including your insights, comparing the approaches of both.
You may begin this way : One acknowledges that both, the Seagull and the Pilot, wanted to .................. however, ................... .
(Reference : Two Stories About Flying)
(b) You have been chosen to address the school assembly, to speak on the epistemology of loss and the resilience of the human spirit during times of crisis. Prepare the speech draft, with reference to the commonality of themes in "The Ball Poem" by John Berryman and 'From the Diary of Anne Frank'.
You may begin this way :
Good morning everyone.
Today, I'd like to discuss two pieces of literature that offer a powerful insight into how to deal with loss and the resilience of the human spirit required during times of crisis.
You may end this way :
To conclude, I'd like to say that ........................ . Thank you.

11. Answer any one of the following two questions in 100-120 words :
(a) Imagine that Bholi writes a diary entry, exploring the themes of 'Girl Child' and 'Impact of Education', in the context of her own
Write this dairy entry, as Bholi.
(b) A character arc is the transformation or development of a character throughout a story and refers to the changes a character undergoes as a result of his/her experiences, challenges and interactions with other characters.
In light of the above information, trace the character arc of Griffin in H.G. Wells Footprints without Feet .

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