CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2024-25 Set 1

CBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2024-25 SET 1


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Series 5FGEH
Question Paper Code 2/5/2 Set 2

(Session 2024-25)

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions : Read the instructions very carefully and strictly follow them:
1. This question paper comprises 11 questions. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper contains THREE sections-
    Section - A : Reading Skills
    Section - B : Grammar and Creative Writing Skills
    Section - C : Literature Text Book
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


1. Read the text given below:

(1) ChatGPT can search. It cannot research. The platform has attracted the world's attention because of the speed with which it assembles and produces information in a logical sequence, powered by artificial intelligence, as if a human being were prompting it to write.

(2) Curious about understanding what ChatGPT can do, I opened an account and asked if it would replace research in the future. Promptly, it replied: "As an Al language model, I don't hold personal beliefs, but I can present arguments on both sides of the topic."

(3) The answer amused me. The speed with which it typed the information across the screen was mind-boggling. I could not read the answer as fast as it typed out the sentence. But, when it had finished, I read through the document. It was impressive. It was truly informative.

(4) Five different points had been explained briefly in seconds. I would have thought of those five points in an hour or more, depending on the complexity of the topic. "Al: Catalyst, not Conqueror ChatGPT and the future of research" was the title that it threw up to my question. It matched my opinion about the future of research after ChatGPT. The write-up had an introduction and a conclusion, just as our English teachers have taught us.

(5) The document came from countless databases, as that is what it's designed to do. By contrast, when I research a subject for an 800-word article, I visit five or six authoritative sources. I don't go to a million as most are copies.

(6) The difference between the write-up of ChatGPT and my research article is the former is a mere summary. When I write, I search new ideas and knit them in a way that reflect my thoughts and perspective. I choose only what is original, unique and fresh and process them in my mind to create a fresh angle.

(7) Research has no value if it only summarises known information. Even a literature survey in your subject requires you to say what you will do with it further, and how.

(8) Research is not a joke. Years ago, I had asked my professor, later on my supervisor, "How can I publish an article in research journals?"

(9) He answered, "When you have read everything on the subject, and have something original to add to the existing body of research." My head swam.

(10) Excellent research is a daunting task and calls for hard intellectual work. When you research, you don't go wide; you go deep. You thoroughly investigate a minor concept, researching it extensively, substantiating each claim with reliable sources, experiments, models and beyond. It took years to discover the atom and the theory of gravitation. ChatGPT can summarise these discoveries, but it cannot add to them. It does not have the mental wherewithal for that.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage:

(i) Which of the following statements best summarises the author's views about ChatGPT?
(A) It can summarise discoveries.
(B) It assembles and produces information.
(C) Its information is based on numerous databases.
(D) It can only search but not research.

(ii) What did the professor suggest to the author's question of how he could publish his research journal? (Answer in 40 words only.)

(iii) Complete the given analogy:
Dependable: reliable: rational:

(iv) Mention one basic difference between the write-up of ChatGPT and author's research article.

(v) Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author noticed that the write-up produced by ChatGPT had an introduction and a conclusion, just as he learnt in his English class but it still lacked.

(vi) The author was moved by the producing the article. with which the ChatGPT was
(A) originality
(B) information
(C) rationality
(D) speed

(vii) State whether the given statement is True/False:
Research is not beneficial if it only summarises the known information.

(viii) Quote the answer of ChatGPT, from the above given passage, when it was asked whether it would replace research in the future?

2. Read the extract given below:

(1) The climate and landscape in Uttarakhand vary greatly with altitude (1867619 m), from the largest glaciers in the higher elevation to the subtropical forests in the lowest elevation.

(2) The lowlands along the border of U.P. are covered by the drier Terai Savanna grasslands, the moist deciduous forest of the Upper Gangetic Plains form the Bhabhar belt. Due to the extensive agricultural practices, most of these lowland forests have been cleared. Snow and bare ice occupy the highest altitudes.

(3) This state occupies 53,483, (1.63% of India's total land area). Out of 13 districts, Uttarkashi occupies the maximum area of 8039 sq. km., while Champawat covers the minimum area of 1634 sq. km. Uttarakhand experiences four types of seasons, namely, Monsoon (June to September), Post-monsoon (October to November), Cold weather (December to February) and Pre-monsoon (March to May) The normal annual precipitation in the state is 1446 mm. Rain usually starts at the end of April and lasts until September. The monsoon rainfall is 78% of the annual rainfall. This makes the state prone to flood during monsoon. Bageshwar receives the maximum normal annual rainfall (1872 mm). 81% falls of this rainfall occurs in the monsoon season. Haridwar receives the minimum normal annual rainfall (1107 mm).

(4) Due to the differences in topographical features, temperatures vary widely. During March and April, temperatures rise until they peak in May and June, when the mean maximum temperature in the southern and valley regions is between 34" and 38 °C, and the mean minimum temperature is between 20° and 24 °C. Temperatures can reach 42 °C in the valleys and southern half of the state and 30 °C in two-kilometre-high elevations on some days. Day and night temperatures begin to dip around the end of September and reach the lowest in January and early February. January is the coldest month, with an average maximum temperature of 20 °C and an average lowest temperature of 6 "C. The mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures range from 10° to 12 °C at altitudes of 2 km.

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above:

(i) Fill in the blank suitably:
The variance in climate and landscape of Uttarakhand as per paragraph 1 is marked by _______.

(ii) Based on your understanding of the paragraph 2, fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets.
Most of the lowland forests are ______ (maintained/cleared) due to the ______ (large-scale/small-scale) agricultural practices.

(iii) Based on the passage, which of the districts has the lowest rainfall in Uttarakhand?

(iv) In the given sentence taken from paragraph 3, select the option that correctly replaces the underlined word, with its most likely Antonym.
Rain usually starts at the end of April and lasts until September.
(A) begins
(B) arrives
(C) ends
(D) commences

(v) This makes the state of Uttarakhand prone to flood during monsoon.' Justify the statement with reference to the passage given above in 30-40 words.

(vi) Which two districts have maximum and minimum rainfall in the state?
(A) Bageshwar and Chamoli
(B) Nainital and Rudraprayag
(C) Haridwar and Garhwal
(D) Bageshwar and Haridwar

(vii) Complete the given table:
Assertion Reasoning
The temperatures vary widely in the state of Uttarakhand.

(viii) How is Bhabhar belt formed?

(ix) State which of the given statements is not true :
(A) January is the coldest month, with an average maximum temperature of 20°C and an average lowest temperature of 6°C.
(B) The mean maximum and mean minimum temperatures range from 15 to 20°C at altitudes of 2 km.



Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed:
(i) Replace the underlined word used in the sentence with the best option given below:
Born in 1872, Richard Willstatter was a chemist who invents the process of paper chromatography.
(A) invent
(B) has invented
(C) will invent
(D) invented

(ii) Rahil and Somil decided to reach the theatre at 5 pm. Report the question asked by Rahil to Somil.
Which movie are we going to watch?
Rahil asked Somil ______.

(iii) Read the given line and identify the error.
When the rounds were completed, the hurdle and mazes appeared on the appropriate places.

(iv) Fill in the blank to complete this message in a poster for safety.
Our planet is precious and only we save it.
(A) may
(B) shall
(C) will
(D) can

(v) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the line given below:
In earlier times, public libraries plays an important role in the lives of the people.
Options Error Correction
(A) role roles
(B) of in
(C) in of
(D) plays played

(vi) Report the dialogue between a guard and a visitor by completing the sentence:
Guard: Good morning Sir! Park your car in the Visitor's Parking Area.
Visitor: OK. Please help me park my car in the Visitor's Parking Area.
The guard greeted the visitor and told him to park his car at the Visitor's Parking Area. At this, the visitor requested him _______.

(vii) Identify the error and supply correction for the following pre-flight announcement before take-off.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard flight 487 flying from Hong Kong to San Francisco. We are currently third in line for take-off and were expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time.
Use the given format for your response:


(viii) Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the dialogues given below:
Mother: Why aren't you playing with your friends?
Rayan: I am not feeling well today.
Mother asked Rayan ______. Rayan replied that he was not feeling well that day. 
(A) whether he was not playing with his friends.
(B) that he was not playing with his friends.
(C) why wasn't he playing with his friends.
(D) why he wasn't playing with his friends.

(ix) Fill in the blank choosing the most appropriate option:
The news about the retirement of my favourite character gave me _______ disappointment.
(A) many
(B) few
(C) little
(D) much

(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the line given below:
The roads have been widened so much that six lanes of vehicles ________ (will/may/could) be accommodated.

(xi) Complete the given sentence with the correct form of verb.
It is important to ______ a healthy atmosphere.
(A) creates
(B) creating
(C) create
(D) created

(xii) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket:
Mahi _______ (shirk) the task given to her and went out to play

Note: All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose:

4. (A) To check speeding traffic in your colony, the Traffic Police Department made speed breakers. However, these have led to greater inconvenience because of the defective construction of the breakers. They are too high and have already damaged a few vehicles in the colony. In addition, they have been poorly made and are broken in places leading to accidents and excessive slowing down. Write a letter in about 120 words to the Traffic Commissioner drawing his attention to the problem and give suggestions. You are Sant/Savita.
(B) Recently you visited Nainital and were happy to see the scenic beauty of the town. However, you were disappointed at how the tourists had not only vandalized tourist spots but also littered the town. You feel to raise an awareness about this. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily expressing your deep concern regarding the same. Give suggestions on how tourists can become more responsible. Sign yourself as Meeta/Mohan. (100-120 words)

5. (A) Read the following details of a children's park in your colony:
  • covered on all four sides with 2 gates
  • skating rink and basketball court in the park
  • swings in one corner for younger children
  • open ground for colony functions
  • specific timings
Analyse the details of the park and write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words about its suitability as a children's park.

(B) There is an alarming increase in the percentage of students suffering from obesity. Given below are some of the findings of a survey conducted to identify causes:
  • unhealthy diet - 40%
  • lack of exercise - 30%
  • stress and anxiety - 25%
  • genetic factors - 5%
Analyse the causes for obesity.
Age group affected
0-5 years : 13%
5-8 years : 20%
8-12 years : 28%
13-15 years : 25%
16-18 years : 14%


6. Read the following extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the given two:
(A) That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. He had, in fact, seen his elder brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle and all the morning the whole family had walked about on the big plateau midway down the opposite cliff taunting him for his cowardice.
(i) Fill in the blank with the correct word from the bracket:
The use of the phrase 'proud cackle' adds to a sense of ________ (noise/pride) in the extract.
(ii) How do the parents teach their young to be independent?
(iii) Describe the contrasting reactions of the parents to their children giving reasons.
(iv) The word 'devour' in the above extract most nearly means
(A) scared
(B) gobbled
(C) preserved
(D) cooled
(B) Lomov: Hear me out, I implore you! The peasants of your father's grandfather, as I have already had the honour of explaining to you, used to bake bricks for my aunt's grandmother. Now my aunt's grandmother, wishing to make them a present.
Natalya: I can't make head or tail of all this about aunts and grandfathers and grandmothers. The Meadows are ours, that's all.
Lomov: Mine
Natalya: Ours! You can go proving it for two days on end.
(i) What is Lomov pleading for?
(A) to be heard
(B) bricks for his aunt's grandmother
(C) documents of the Meadows
(D) for two days time to prove himself
(ii) What effect does the following sentence have on Natalya? Why?
'The peasants of your father's grandfather ........ used to bake bricks for my aunt's grandmother.'
(iii) Fill in the blank with the correct word from the bracket:
The use of the phrase 'can't make head or tail' adds to a sense of ______ (confusion/realization) to the extract.
(iv) What is Lomov trying to prove ?

7.  (A) Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called him Percival
(Tale of Custard the Dragon)
(i) What poetic device is used in the first sentence?
(ii) What was ironical about Custard being referred to as Percival?
(iii) Complete the following suitably:
The word 'unmerciful' in the given context implies that Belinda is ______.
(iv) What image of Custard is created in the above lines?
(B) Don't bite your nails, Amanda!
Don't hunch your shoulders, Amanda!
Stop that slouching and sit up straight, Amanda!
("There is a languid, emerald sea,
where the sole inhabitant is me
a mermaid, drifting blissfully.") (Amanda)
(i) What image does the above extract create about Amanda's mother?
(ii) Why is the second verse written in brackets ?
(iii) Amanda calls herself a mermaid because
(A) Mermaid is Amanda's favourite fantasy character.
(B) Amanda loves watching a mermaid drifting in water.
(C) Amanda longs to be free like a mermaid which sails effortlessly in the sea.
(D) Amanda wants to sail with a mermaid in the deep-sea water.
(iv) Amanda wants to be the sole inhabitant in the sea. Elucidate.

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions in 30-40 words:
(i) What were the problems that made Lencho write a letter to God? (A Letter to God)
(ii) How did Nelson Mandela's understanding of freedom change over the course of time? (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
(iii) How does the poem show that the tiger had lost its natural instinct? (A Tiger in the Zoo)
(iv) Valli emerges as a meticulous planner. Elaborate with evidence from the text. (Madam Rides the Bus)
(v) Why wasn't Pranjol as excited as Rajvir during the train journey? (Glimpses of India)

9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions in 40-50 words:
(i) Explain why Matilda's husband was so excited at having received an invitation? (The Necklace)
(ii) Inspite of his wife's refusal, Ramlal still sent Bholi to school. Elaborate. (Bholi)
(iii) What makes Hari Singh describe Anil as the most trusting person he had ever met? (The Thief's Story)

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in 100-120 words:
(a) Self-doubt and fear often act as barriers to success. On the other hand, curiosity leads to learning new things. Justify the statement citing instances from 'His First Flight' and 'Madam Rides the Bus'.
(b) What distinguishes the portrayal of the tiger in the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' from the depiction of the tiger in the poem 'How to tell Wild Animals'?

11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in 100-120 words:
(a) Imagine you are Bholi and write a diary entry, explaining how you dare to take such a bold step of refusing to marry Bishamber. (Bholi)
(b) In the story, 'A Triumph of Surgery', a wealthy woman's nonsensical behaviour, is depicted. Do you think such individuals are merely displaying foolishness or could their actions potentially, inflict harm upon others? Support your answer from the text.

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